Shaky Tree
Always remember kids. When chopping down trees... yeah. I don't know what to tell you. Just don't do it this way.
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Ski Test Fall
I have never seen a machine like this but I guess these guys are testing out these skis. One of the guys takes a little spill. I bet he did not buy that pair!
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Snow Board Face Plant
Short video of a snowboard jump that turns into a face plant. Even though she landed in snow this probably still hurt pretty bad.
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Student Falls Through Ceiling
Some student climbs up into the ceiling of a class room and then he falls down through the ceiling tile. It looks like he got out of the room without the teacher finding out who he was.
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Tire Breaks Car Window
All you can say about this car is that it was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A tire comes off of a race car, flies out of the park and smashes the window of a car parked on the street.
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Tricky Truck Flips Over
This cool looking truck is showing off it's hydraulics when it bounces a little too high and flips over. I wonder if they won the highest bounce award that day?
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Woman Mic User
OK it is safe to say that the woman in this clip has never used a microphone before. I guess it was just bad luck to have her first attempt at using a mic caught on tape.
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